Services init and supervision with Runit
runit is a init scheme with service supervision .
project web page @
runit in the context of system start up
boot | kernel loads | init scheme starts
related workflows
manage processes
manage packages
install runit
We may not have to install runit. Usually when installing devuan (!workflow link!) we choose our init system.
$ sudo apt-get install runit
offline help
$ cd /usr/share/doc/runit/*
deb package of runit contains man pages and html help files.
runit deb package
devuan pkginfo/runit @ , debian tracker @ ,
After linux boots at some point it starts runit which will start runsvdir. What does runsvdir do ? According to man pages:
If runit is running we see in the process tree that runsvdir is running: runsvdir -P /etc/service log So it monitors /etc/service directory and for each directory in /etc/service it starts runsv passing as argument that /etc/service/foo directory as argument. There must be a run script to start a certain service.
- /etc/sv - contains service directories for a collection of runit compatible services.
- packages that are compatible with runit contains /etc/sv/programname/* files . Most needed is the run file
- $ apt-file -x search '/etc/sv.*$'
- /etc/service - that is the directory monitored by runsvdir. So links to /etc/sv files must be created here in order for runit and runsvdir to see a service and control it.The /etc/service directory contains a series of soft links representing the processes currently managed by runit. So /etc/sv contains service's control inteface scripts, /etc/service contains the actively managed services.
- /etc/runit/runsvdir
managing running services
find runit compatible services in Devuan
pre: pkg/apt-file installed and updated.
$ apt-file -x search '/etc/sv.*$'
check runit state
$ cat /proc/1/comm
If runit is running in our system will could see it in our process tree on the top.
$ pstree runit─┬─dhclient ├─runsvdir─┬─runsv───apache2───2*[apache2───26*[{apache2}]] │ ├─7*[runsv───getty] │ ├─runsv │ ├─runsv─┬─dbus-daemon │ │ └─svlogd │ ├─runsv─┬─dhclient │ │ └─svlogd │ ├─runsv─┬─sshd───sshd───sshd───bash───tmux: client │ │ └─svlogd │ ├─runsv───cron │ ├─runsv───elogind │ ├─runsv───rsyslogd───3*[{rsyslogd}] │ ├─runsv─┬─exim4 │ │ └─svlogd │ └─runsv───sleep
We see running : runit , runsvdir , runsv
how runit works
That diagram's creator is unknown .
kernel | 1| .--- /etc/runit/reboot ---. init 14 ,---| 2 |<--- runit-init <---- init 0|6 | -- /etc/runit/stopit -- | | 13 | '------------------------------------> 3| .-----> runit | | | | .---<---------<----+-------->---------. | | | | 4| | 6| 10| runit/1 | runit/2 runit/3 | | | | 5| | 7| 11| start things | runsvdir sv | | | | | | 8| | -->--| runsv /var/service/* | | | | | 12| | .../current/* stop things | | | | | | | start things | | monitor things | | restart things | | | | | 9| | ---<-----------<---------'
In devuan/daedalus searching for packages with /etc/sv we dont see such dirs for apache or cron or dhclient. How are they created ?