#devuanThe official Devuan support channel. Chanlog at reisenweber.net.
Important: have a look at #devuan-offtopic as well!
#devuan-offtopicWe try to keep the #devuan channel free from not Devuan support related talk. Please come here to talk about anything
else like Linux in general, your rant about systemd or even your hydroponics project. Thank you!
#devuan The official Devuan support channel. Chanlog at reisenweber.net.
#devuan-offtopic We try to keep the #devuan channel free from not Devuan support related talk. Please come here to talk about anything else like Linux in general, your rant about systemd or even your hydroponics project. Thank you!
#devuan-arm Devuan on Arm boards. Chanlog at reisenweber.net.
#devuan-bridge An IRC-connection to our presence on TELEGRAM.
#devuan-riscv Devuan on RISC-V. Chanlog at: reisenweber.net
#devuan The official Devuan support channel. Chanlog at reisenweber.net.
#devuan-offtopic We try to keep the #devuan channel free from not Devuan support related talk. Please come here to talk about anything else like Linux in general, your rant about systemd or even your hydroponics project. Thank you!
#devuan-arm Devuan on Arm boards. Chanlog at reisenweber.net.
#devuan-bridge An IRC-connection to our presence on TELEGRAM.
#devuan-riscv Devuan on RISC-V. Chanlog at: reisenweber.net