Virt-manager setup :
*I will stop updating this page because i found a way
to use qemu in cli with more simpler setup.*
Enable Virtualization in your PC UEFI/BIOS.
Hardware virtualization feature is disabled by default
on AMD and Intel CPU’s. So you will have to enable them
manually if you do wish to use it. Otherwise QEMU will be very slow.
If you have Intel CPU, then all you have to do is, enable
VT-x or VT-d from the BIOS of your motherboard.
For AMD CPU, you have to enable AMD-v from the BIOS of
your motherboard.
If your CPU supports hardware virtualization, and you
enabled it from the BIOS of your computer, then you can
check whether Virtualization is enabled :
$ lscpu | grep Virt
$ egrep --color=auto 'vmx|svm|0xc0f' /proc/cpuinfo
Installation in Daedalus
virt-manager packages in Devuan. (
$ sudo apt-get install virt-manager
It seems that virt-manager by default can be used only from root.
So the first command i used is:
$ sudo usermod -G lib -a username
It seems trivial but removing a package like virt-manager would leave installed
it's depedencies and various settings of libvirt .But that could means that we
can not bring our system to a previous state in one step. That means that while
a user could think of virt-manager as a virtualization functionality for the
apt virt-manager is a front-end to libvirt and thus libvirt should not be touched.
That creates a mess!. While installing virt-manager and setting it up a user would
tweak config files that belong to other packages. So a user could think that s(he) is
configuring virt-manager but it configures libvirt or qemu. All those settings wont
be purged.
So apt is smart to pull dependencies but strangely in purging it assumes a different
logic and assumes that we are a power user that was previously was installing merely
a frond end.
$ sudo apt-get purge virt-manager
Attention: that command wont remove related config files like /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf
$ dpkg -S libvirtd.conf
libvirt-daemon-system: /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf
libvirt-daemon-system will be pulled by virt-manager installation (as recommended)
Related packages (not in virt-manager strong recursive depedencies) :
- libvirt-daemon Virtualization daemon
- libvirt-daemon-system Libvirt daemon configuration files
- virt-manager desktop application for managing virtual machines
- qemu-system-misc
- bridge-utils Utilities for configuring the Linux Ethernet bridge
~$ dpkg -L libvirt-clients
libvirt-clients-qemu // QEMU-specific client binaries that use libvirt