This is the start of the Devuan Wiki. This page will contain links to topics of interest to Devuan users, both within the wiki and elsewhere.

Purpose: Devuan exists bcause of systemd. Many Debian users do not want systemd on their systems, though some do and many are indifferent. It is currently difficult, but not impossible, to set up a Debian system and not use systemd.

Devuan is for those users and system administrators who reject systemd. It is Debian modified to not have systemd, and not to have packages that depend on systemd. This involves leaving out some packages altogether, and modifying others that don't actually need systemd.

Devuan's main web page is at

Installation instructions for the current stable release (codenamed Chimaera):


-- HendrikBoom - 05 May 2022
Topic revision: r4 - 27 Jun 2023, HendrikBoom
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